Baierbrunner Straße 25
81379 München
Telefon: +49 89 780 606 - 33
Telefax: +49 89 780 606 – 34

Dr. Rainer Mauer

Dr. Rainer Mauer

Dr. Rainer Mauer
Telefon: +49 89 340 77 17 125
Mobil: +49 172 822 22 25


Dr. Rainer Mauer (40) graduated in business administration at University of Bayreuth with a focus on finance, audit and tax issues. In 1996 Rainer started as project manager for corporate finance at Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner Unternehmensberatung GmbH, a Munich based advisory firm. From 1999 – 2003 he was founder and managing director of IPO-Management AG which was mainly focused on initial public offering advisory. Since June 2003 Rainer is managing director and partner of EQUITYplus.